Gallery 2 photo manager is easy-to-use simple utility to add photos to your Gallery 2.
Written in Qt, it uses g2 protocol to send photos to remote server.
I like Gallery2 (My Gallery), and I wanted find easy utility to add my photos to it. After trying all founded products I decided write my own little and simple program. It do all what I need :)
- Open any images from local computer.
- Set title, subtitle and description to selected photos (batch set).
- Also set tags to photos (need to extend g2 protocol).
- Save your photos with full description to own album files (.g2a).
- Open .g2a albums from local computer.
- Connect to any Gallery2 using login/password authefication.
- Load album tree from remote server.
- Send your photos whith full information to selected album.
- Resize photos before sending to selected size whith keeping EXIF data (using exiv2 library).
Used components: